Fancy Shmancy Gallery Wall

So… it’s been almost a month since the last time I posted something. Oops. I really was going to try to be better at this. But I got a job, and I’ve been trying to get settled in our apartment. And for me, settled means that everything has to be perfectly decorated. I’m happy to say that I’m almost there! Today, I’m going to share with you the most time consuming thing that I’ve done with our apartment.

 Ta da! A gallery wall! These things are so popular on Pinterest right now, and I thought it would be perfect for the space about the couch in the living room. I had a lot of fun putting things together, even though it took a really long time. Thankfully, I had a lot of help. And if you’re thinking, Woah, she must have spent a lot on that, think again! I bought two picture frames and a can of spray paint. That’s it. Some of the frames were gifts, but most were frames that I had gotten at Salvation Army a few years ago, and painted really bright colors. But I’m a grown-up now, so I painted them gold. Actually, my husband painted them gold. For me.

Then I filled the frames with pictures or random things I had lying around the house. Like this cool tapestry that someone gave us.

Or book pages. These are in French, and I’m not sure, but I think it’s explaining the history of the Jesuits.

 I also made this awesome F. Yes, that’s moss.

 I also used a few free printables. Seriously, these are so easy to find on Pinterest. They’re EVERYWHERE. I used these cool feathers and this vintage looking bicycle.

Speaking of free printables… do you know how hard it is to find meaningful printables? There certainly are some quotes, but there are also lots of silly printables that say meaningless things like “Be Amazing” or “Choose Happy” or “Never let anyone dull your sparkle.” Seriously, what does that even mean? So, I decided to make my own, using a quote from my favorite book.

Yes, that is from Lord of the Rings. Yes, I am a nerd. And yes, this is probably my favorite part of the gallery wall. But the hardest part was choosing what quote to use. I also had a few C.S. Lewis quotes. So, I made more than one poster. I might have to do something with them. Like, make them available on my blog… like, next week… maybe…


  1. Very cool! Well done. Did you make the big flower out of book pages?

    1. Yes, those are book pages. There are so many tutorials out there, and it's not super hard to make!


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