Some Days

Some days I feel like this.

Some days I feel tired and discouraged and wilted. I wake up feeling a little blue.

Today is one of those days.
And that’s ok.

Some days I need to get out my camera and take pictures just for fun. I need to slow down, get outside, and get my finger on the shutter button.

I need to drink in the smell of my stargazer lilies.

I need to relish the vibrant pink hues of every petal.

 I need to admire the intricate variation of every leaf.

I need to smile at the surprising colors that look like a piece of artwork.

Some days I need to sit down at the piano and get my fingers moving. I need to put aside music that I’m “supposed” to play, and just play what I want, for no reason at all. I need to play songs I like, such as Liz On Top of the World or The Sixth Stop. I need to not worry about making mistakes.

Some days I need to walk somewhere instead of drive. I need to feel the heat on my skin and the ground beneath my feet, and relish every step, knowing that it is better for my body and for the environment.

Some days I need to write a blog post about nothing in particular. I need to not pretend to be happy, or to have some important revelation, or some interesting insight.

Today is one of those days.

And that’s ok.


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