You Might Be a Preschool Teacher If...
You might be a preschool teacher if...
- You know Brown Bear, Brown Bear by heart.
- You know what “redirection” means.
- If a 20 pound bag of snakes wore a diaper, you would be able to change it.
- You can manage not 1, not 2, but 8… 10…. 14 children all at once.
- You know at least five “Good Morning” songs.
- You know the best way to dry a child’s tears.
- Laurie Berkner is your jam.
- You have the funniest stories to share with friends.
- You can answer questions like “Where do my poops go when I flush the toilet?” with a serious face.
- You get the best hugs.
- It is not uncommon for you to read 4 or 5 books in a row.
- You are constantly reminding someone to “use your words.”
- Every art project has multiple objectives (i.e. learning about butterflies, making patterns, and problem-solving all at once).
- You are constantly helping children settle disputes over whose turn it is.
- You frequently talk in a cheerful, high-pitched voice…
- But you can bust out the no-nonsense voice when needed.
- You have a song for every season, holiday, and other various occasions.
- You clean the snot, vomit, poop, urine, and drool of children who are not your own.
- You have nap time at work… and you’re not allowed to nap.
- You make a difference in someone’s life every day.
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