A Season of Waiting
We were told to expect word from the county about our approval for foster care at the beginning of December, which is approaching very quickly. Once we’re approved, a child could be placed with us at any time - it could be the next day, or it could be in a few months. We could have a baby by Christmas - who knows? We’re just… waiting.
And wondering. This is so much different than when we were waiting for Pumpkin to be born. We knew when(ish) she was coming. We knew what she would look like, mostly (like us). We knew how old she would be.
We have no idea when a new child will be entering our home, how long he or she will be staying, what he or she will look like, how old he or she will be.
We have so many questions, but we have no idea when we will get any answers. We’re just waiting.
It’s almost like it’s a season of waiting.
That is literally the season we are entering into right now. In the Christian faith, Advent is considered a season of waiting, specifically in preparation for the birth of Christ. How fitting.
Every year, I get so frustrated with myself, because I just want to slow down and enjoy the season, preparing my heart for the holiday and savoring it’s true meaning. Instead, I become so busy, busy, busy - getting caught up in the materialism of the season. I need to do this activity; I need to make or buy gifts for everyone; I need to have these decorations; I need to order these things on Amazon. Instead of using this time is slow down, I end up more stressed than I was before the Christmas season. And I know I’m not alone in this.
This is a perfect mirror to the season of waiting that we’re in for foster care right now (and honestly, we haven’t even been waiting that long). But how can I apply the spirit of Advent to our foster care waiting? We are so busy preparing, wondering, and waiting - how do we savor this season?
Instead of getting stressed out about all of our unanswerable questions, or panicking about the things I feel need to be done, what if I just slowed down and enjoyed this time? I should be savoring my last few weeks of one-on-one time with my daughter, and my relaxing evenings with Judah. Soon, those will be gone, and I’m going to miss them if I don’t slow down and enjoy them now.
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