Sweet Gratitude

Sometimes, when I get frustrated with life, or feel anxious, or just want to give up on the day and go back to bed, it helps me to think of things that keep me going. When I stop and think, I realize that I have so much to be grateful for. If I think about these things, instead of focusing on the negative parts of life, it’s easier to face things that I’d rather not face.

So, I decided to make a gratitude list. During my freshman year of college, one of my professors assigned us to make a gratitude list of 200 things that we were grateful for. TWO HUNDRED. Let me tell you, folks, that’s hard to do. Since I’m in a different place in life, I decided to make a new one, listed below. It’s long, so you don’t have to read the whole thing if you don’t want to. BUT I challenge you to make your own list! 200 things, don’t skimp out! And then you will discover the same thing I did:

I am so blessed.

I am grateful for:
  1. my marriage with Judah
  2. Judah
  3. my family
  4. Judah’s family
  5. our cozy apartment
  6. our church
  7. our friends
  8. my job
  9. my babysitting job
  10.  crocheting
  11.  sewing
  12. books
  13. movie nights
  14. spring
  15. my beautiful nephew, born last week
  16. for my soon-to-be-born nephew or niece
  17. the wonderful kids that I work with
  18. food
  19. every time that God has given us exactly what we need, even in the last minute
  20. Etsy
  21. dry-erase boards
  22. to-do lists
  23. freshly baked bread
  24. my health
  25. my mentor
  26. Facebook - how it lets me keep up with friends and family around the world
  27. Skype - for the same reason
  28. all the great things I can learn on YouTube, like sign language
  29. hot chocolate
  30. my car
  31. Judah’s super-gas-efficient “space car”
  32. arts and crafts
  33. ice cream
  34. hot showers
  35. my imagination
  36. cookies
  37. dinner guests
  38. the ability to learn new things
  39. sunshine
  40. warm weather
  41. the color yellow
  42. Judah’s cooking skills
  43. Judah’s ability to fix everything
  44. almond cake
  45. creativity
  46. fairy tales
  47. a rock solid Foundation for our marriage
  48. my best friend Erin
  49. music
  50. my education
  51. spending time with people I love
  52. random dance parties
  53. lemon pudding
  54. lessons that I’ve learned from hard times
  55. swing dancing
  56. chocolate
  57. my voice
  58. the Bible
  59. sunshine
  60. the crocuses and daffodils that are poking up through the ground
  61. laughter
  62. taylor ham and cheese sandwiches
  63. children
  64. our amazingly comfortable bed
  65. water
  66. indoor plumbing
  67. the wonderful students I had in China
  68. Jane Austen books
  69. good conversation
  70. talking to my mom
  71. doughnuts with pink icing and rainbow sprinkles
  72. long car rides with fun people
  73. prayer
  74. old cartoons
  75. my car
  76. “thinking of you” cards
  77. soap
  78. people who listen
  79. old friends
  80. new friends
  81. memories
  82. stars
  83. mail
  84. cats
  85. surviving college
  86. Easter
  87. Christmas
  88. crayons
  89. God’s grace and forgiveness
  90. birds
  91. cranberry sauce
  92. love
  93. sleep
  94. my name
  95. post-it notes
  96. thoughtful gifts
  97. Fridays
  98. crying
  99. weekends
  100. mechanical pencils
  101.  fellowship with other believers
  102.  slippers
  103.  my computer
  104.  my parents (all four of them)
  105.  boots
  106.  my Kindle
  107.  fuzzy socks
  108.  babies
  109.  sweatpants
  110.  hard work
  111.  ice cream
  112.  my beautiful, wonderful roommates from college (now scattered across the globe)
  113.  singing
  114.  my grandparents
  115.  my sisters and brother
  116.  pretty yarn
  117.  spending time with people I love
  118.  talking with my Dad
  119.  words of affirmation
  120.  quietness
  121.  forgiveness
  122.  lemon meringue pie
  123.  encouragement
  124.  my camera
  125.  shoes
  126.  warm blankets
  127.  my college professors
  128.  people who are working to make the world a better place
  129.  pretty dresses
  130.  dogs
  131.  the opportunities I’ve had for world travel
  132.  flowers
  133. thunder storms
  134.  people who care
  135.  getting packages in the mail
  136.  classical music
  137.  people to look up to
  138.  this list
  139.  green leaves
  140.  crunchy brown, red, and yellow leaves
  141.  hope
  142.  money
  143.  Redbox
  144.  cupcakes
  145.  my cake decorating kit
  146.  rainbow sprinkles
  147.  leftovers
  148.  phone conversations with people far away
  149.  crockpot meals
  150.  driving with the windows down
  151.  the sound of crickets
  152.  accountability
  153.  Tums
  154.  peace
  155.  The Chronicles of Narnia
  156.  my church’s children’s ministry
  157.  movie soundtracks
  158.  umbrellas
  159.  Lord of the Rings
  160.  restaurant gift cards
  161.  sunrises
  162.  sunsets
  163.  the variety of the seasons
  164.  the ability to think
  165.  inspiring people (too many to list)
  166.  windows
  167.  candles
  168.  all of the gifts that people gave us for our wedding
  169.  my engagement ring
  170.  our wedding rings, passed down from my grandparents
  171.  calculators
  172.  birds
  173.  the decorations in our apartment
  174.  this blog
  175.  trees
  176.  a monthly budget
  177.  our last name sign
  178.  baked goods
  179.  teapots
  180.  tea
  181.  “introvert time”
  182.  lemon cookies
  183.  Erin’s ginger cookies
  184.  shortbread cookies
  185.  muffins
  186.  Messiah College
  187.  Miyazaki movies
  188.  sewing
  189.  daydreaming
  190.  missions work
  191.  adoption
  192.  social workers and mental health workers (they need to be thanked)
  193.  thought-provoking books
  194.  all of the great relatives that I gained when I got married
  195.  my desk
  196.  ribbons
  197.  a good book
  198.  theology discussions with Judah
  199.  Zumba
  200.  hymns


  1. I love your list! It made me smile...especially when I think of how similar but different in some ways our lists would be. Note...sewing is on there twice...but it would be for me too! I love everybit of who you are that makes up this list! ; )

  2. You should read the book 1,000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp, it's one of my favorites. She challenges to do 1,000. So I have a running notebook...I'm well over a 1,000 now but I read it a couple years ago :) She explores eucharisteo and what it means...it is beautiful.

  3. I'm on your list! Also, ice cream is on there twice. :) I will totally make you some ginger cookies when I get back to the states.
    Also, I totally agree with Ally. I read 1000 Gifts last semester and it totally transformed and informed the way I think about thankfulness.


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