My Week of Awesomeness

Recently, I’ve been getting a little frustrated with life, especially with job hunting again. I sometimes have the “why do these things happen to me?” attitude. But honestly, I have a great life. But sometimes I need to give myself a little reminder of that. That’s why I make gratitude lists. So, here, I’m going to tell you about three awesome things that happened this week, in an effort to change my perspective from “Why do these things happen to me?” to “I’m so glad these things happened!”

1) I got to take the little boy I work with to a gardening club. We actually picked fresh tomatoes and herbs from the garden, went inside, and used what we picked to make dinner (pasta, tomato sauce, and garlic bread). He loved it, and was so proud of himself. It was really encouraging for me to see how much progress he has made over the past few months. Plus, it was just really fun! This was a great reminder to me of how much I love my job.

2) I talked with one of my former students from China. I have QQ, which is basically just Chinese instant messaging, and was able to use it to have a conversation with one of my students. At one point during our conversation, she asked how my Chinese was, and if I could speak simple Chinese. I said I could speak a little Chinese. What followed was probably the longest Chinese conversation I’ve ever had in my life It was HARD but so good! I am so grateful for her patience with all of the stupid questions I asked.

3) I spent time at a friend’s house, and enjoyed a cup of tea and good conversation. I was inspired by hearing her story, and encouraged to see the amazing ways that God is working in her life. I am truly blessed by her and her family. And here’s a bonus: I got to play with her beautiful not-so-babyish-anymore baby!

And here’s one more thing that hasn’t happened yet, but will happen tomorrow. I’ll get to see my niece for the first time!

So, I’m on the lookout for more amazing things that will happen in my life. I don’t think I’ll have to look very far!


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