Judah's First Post

Hello, World!

One of the first things you will notice as I start to help Jane with this blog is that I am a very different person than Jane. This can lead to some very interesting dynamics in our marriage and family, but it is also what makes it awesome and fun. I hope you will enjoy experiencing our family through this little window we give you as much as we enjoying being part of it.

Because this is my first post, I am going to use this space to ramble a little (or a lot) about me. So, begin ramble!

I am a Christ follower. This is what I try to base my whole life upon. I am not perfect so there are (numerous) times I mess up. However I am always trying to learn and grow and do better.

I am a husband! Before anything else, I am Jane’s husband. Our relationship is the foundation of our family. So, Jane takes priority over work and hobbies.

I am a Dad! In case you hadn’t figured it out, Jane and I have a very wonderful two and a half month old daughter. Currently one of her favorite things is dancing with daddy, it is super fun!

I am an engineer (I can say that now because I found out today that I passed the PE exam) at a telecom firm. Pretty much this means that I take pictures of telephone poles for a living. The best part of where I work are the people and atmosphere. Being able to play board games and ping pong every day is pretty great.

On the side I am a regional bible quiz director for the Brethren in Christ denomination. I quizzed for several years and got a lot out of it. So I want to provide the same opportunity to as many other people as I can. If you don’t know what bible quizzing is, I would love to tell you about it.

I also enjoy riding my bike (though it is getting a little cold and dark for that), doing crafts with Jane, tie-dying, tinkering with whatever I can get my hands on, and playing with new gadgets. I also have a book that I started writing but have not done a good job of updating it (you can read what I do have here).

There you have it. My future post will probably be a little more organized. TTFN, ta ta for now.

P.S. I wrote this post out yesterday in Blogger and it wasn’t there when I went to post it today. So, that is why it is late-ish, also why all future posts will be written in a doc and pasted into blogger.


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