Monday Makings: How to Host an Ornament Making Party
We've been a little bit preoccupied in recent months, thanks to the birth of our little girl, so I haven't been as festive as I like to be. Last year, I hosted an ornament making party and had so much fun! Since I won't be able to host one this year, I thought I'd share some tips with you on how to host your own!
(If you decide to host one of these, invite me, 'kay? I'm severely craft-deprived.)
1) Decide what kinds of ornaments you want to make.
Pinterest is your friend here. You can check out my Christmas Pinterest board if you need a place to start. Unless you want to be teaching all of your friends how to make a complex ornament, I'd recommend something simple that allows for a lot of creativity. I chose to make birch disk, glass ball, and cinnamon salt dough ornaments.
Shop online or hit your local craft store, just don't forget your coupons! Seriously, never go to Michael's or JoAnn's without a coupon because they always have one. In addition to my birch disks and glass balls, I made sure to have a plethora of paints, ribbons, scrapbooking paper, fabric, glitter, and Sharpies. If you're a craftaholic like me, use whatever you have on hand. Since your guests are taking home their ornaments, it's okay to ask them to chip in a few dollars as they are able, to offset the cost of the materials you are buying. Just make sure you mention this in your invitation. If you are making any sort of dough ornament, be sure to make it beforehand. Or just buy Model Magic. That stuff is therapeutic, man.
3) Set up your crafting areas.
It's good to have several smaller crafting areas so that things don't get too crowded. Be sure to use plastic tablecloths on your tables, even if they don't look as nice. Trust me, you'll need them. And while you're at it, just put those tablecloths EVERYWHERE, especially if you're using glitter. Or just don't use glitter. (But I'd be lying if I said I didn't love glitter.) Also, sorry for the poor quality of these photos. Somebody forgot to use her camera, and used her phone instead...
4) Keep your food simple.
You (and everyone else) will be focusing on crafting, so don't sweat about having a lavish meal. Get some apps and zerts from the freezer aisle, ask your girlfriend to bring her amazing artichoke dip. Have your party after dinner hours, and say that light snacks and hot cocoa will be served. Because hot cocoa is a necessity!! For cuteness points, set up a hot cocoa bar with a crockpot of homemade hot cocoa and lots of toppings, like marshmallows, mini candy canes, cinnamon sticks, and homemade salted caramel sauce.
5) Have fun!
Seriously, don't stress yourself about making this a super fun party. Put on the Christmas music, sit back, and let people be creative. I loved watching people take the materials on the table, put them together in ways that never would have occurred to me, and create something beautiful. Plus, it's always fun to sit around and chat with friends, especially if hot cocoa is involved!
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