What I've Learned Since Becoming a Mom

So, Pumpkin is quickly approaching three months, and although it's been such a short time, so much has happened. My world has been turned completely upside-down in a few short months, and I feel like I've changed so much myself. Here are a few things that I've learned since becoming a mom.

1. You have to take care of yourself, even if it’s really hard.
I’m pretty proud of myself for how often I shower, to be honest. But there are other things that are still really hard, like finding time to eat (much less enjoy) a good lunch. And while I absolutely love spending time with my adorable baby, I also need to take time to do things I enjoy. And I’m not always very good at that.

2. Treat yo self.
One of my favorite things about breastfeeding is that I can eat a ton of food and I don’t have to feel too bad about it. Up until pretty recently, I could eat like a pig and still consistently lose weight. I’m starting to get to the point now where I should probably be a little more careful, but mostly… TREAT YO SELF!

3. Don’t feel awkward about accepting help from others.
I thought this would be really hard for me. I don’t really like asking for help from others, so when someone says, “How are you guys doing with meals?” or “Is there anything you guys need for the baby?” I usually say, “Oh, we’re doing fine, thanks!” But the first few weeks postpartum, I realized that most people genuinely enjoy helping. At least, the people I know do. But I know some really nice people. And when I realized that people enjoyed helping me, I didn’t feel awkward anymore. It was actually kind of nice. So, to all those people who brought meals, hand-me-downs, and adult conversation, thank you for making us feel so loved!

4. Don’t feel awkward about declining help from others.
I also realized that sometimes it’s just easier to say, “No thanks.” Like, when you don’t even want to get out of bed to answer the door. It’s ok to have days like that.

5. You might feel resentful.
Sometimes I feel resentful. Towards everyone. Towards Judah, who can eat lunch and go to the bathroom whenever he wants to while he’s at work. Towards my daughter, who takes up all of my time and energy and has completely changed my way of life. Towards the friend who still has an itty-bitty waist and can wear pretty dresses because she doesn’t nurse a baby every hour and a half. Sometimes it all seems so unfair. And maybe it is. But that’s ok. I just acknowledge my resentful feelings, and move on. Although this stage of life is difficult, it won’t last forever, and I’m willing to put in the work for my daughter.

6. I still think poops, farts, and burps are hilarious.
Seriously, she makes such funny faces. And the noises are so loud for such a tiny person! Really, how do such loud burps come out of such a tiny body? And her timing for noisy poops is impeccable. There's nothing quite like a tender moment being interrupted by explosive poop noises.

7. People are going to ask you if you have a good baby.
Ok, what does this even mean? Sometimes I just want to reply, “Well, she doesn’t eat chapstick or draw on the walls, so yeah, she’s pretty good.” I get that people want to know whether or not she’s colicky or otherwise difficult to deal with (although I’ve never met a baby who was a walk in the park). But what an awkward question! I was really surprised the first time I heard it, and even more surprised when I heard it 50 million more times.

8. Some days are great. Some make you want to jump out the window.
I’ve been surprised by the range of emotions I can experience in the space of one week. Or one day, for that matter. There are really difficult moments, like when Pumpkin only takes three 25-minute naps throughout the entire day, which means that 1) I get absolutely nothing done, and 2) she is super cranky by the end of the day. But there are other times when I look into her eyes and wonder how I can possibly be this blessed! And these chubby cheeks definitely help, too.

9. I LOVE being a mom!
I’ve had quite a few different jobs working with children, and I’ve loved all of them. But THIS job, this crazy, life-consuming, difficult, 24/7 job - THIS is what I love doing!


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