Monday Makings: Nighttime Solutions

So, life is pretty crazy when you have a baby. I haven't been able to create as much as I would like to. That's why there was no Monday Makings last week. But sometimes necessity compels you to craft, and I'm OK with that.

One thing that I'm learning about baby life is that the moment you get used to something, or find a routine that works, everything changes. This seems especially true with baby sleep. Pumpkin was doing really well sleeping in her bassinet… until she got too big for it. Every time she moved, she would hit the sides of the bassinet and wake up. We weren't ready to move her into her room, so we decided to set up her Pack and Play in our room. So far, it's been working pretty well, but we only had one sheet. And anyone with a baby knows that one sheet is not enough. Since I'm cheap, I couldn't bring myself to buy one, especially since my fabric stash is overflowing. So I decided to copy the sheet we already had, which was made by my sister-in-law.

And good gravy, elastic is so annoying to work with! But maybe that would have been easier if I had followed a tutorial instead of winging it.

Another nighttime problem we were having was diaper related. Since Pumpkin started sleeping for longer stretches at night, she was wetting through her diaper. Since we use cloth diapers, the solution is fairly simple: put more absorbent stuff in the diaper. Most cloth diaper companies sell "soaker pads" for this purpose, but once again, I am a cheapskate and didn't want to buy any. So I found some of our old hand towels, cut them to size, and sewed them into tubes. Now all we have to do is tuck one into her diaper before bedtime and she's good to go.

Problem solved! I love that cloth diapers are so economical, and creative solutions like these make them even more so! In case you can't tell, I'm becoming a cloth diaper fanatic… But with adorable diapers like these, how could you not??


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