Homeschool Arts and Crafts (and a reprise of my Charlotte Mason obsession)

 While most of our unit studies have incorporated art of some kind, we've also engaged in various other forms of handicrafts this year. I'm a firm believer in the process, rather than product, when it comes to children's art projects. I also strongly dislike crafts that involve a lot of set-up on the parent/teacher's part, but little work on the child's part. Charlotte Mason believed that the point of arts and crafts should be beauty or utility, and stated that "they should not be employed in making futilities such as pea and stick work, paper mats, and the like." And that's absolutely my jam. So, to that end, here are some of the handicrafts that the girls have shown interest in this year. First, we have watercolors. We were fortunate to have an art teacher friend come and teach us some basic watercolor techniques. 

I really enjoyed educating myself as well, and practicing my watercolor techniques alongside the girls. (Charlotte Mason would approve!)

Pumpkin made it her mission to make watercolor paintings of every bouquet I had in the house. Here are a few examples.

We've also enjoyed several sewing projects throughout the year. Below, Pumpkin is sewing a doll blanket for a friend, and Sweet Pea is displaying her first embroidery project: a beach!

Another recurring handicraft was origami. Pumpkin was really interested in trying to make several things all on her own and followed instructions independently.


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